Book Linda for a visit.
An author visit is an incredible opportunity to connect with the person and process behind the books. With Linda's experience she is able to inspire, educate and entertain. Linda is eager to share her books! She would love to visit any schools or special events in person, or virtually read out loud! Perfect for:
Elementary Schools
Home School Groups
Youth Organizations
Book Clubs
Kiwanis (or other social organizations)
Or Other Community Events
So, share a fun story to educate children. Linda lives in the greater Tampa Bay region but is open to travel. Please contact Linda to make arrangements.

SCHOOL event: before, during & after
What are your goals? Do you want to encourage reading and writing? Do you want to focus on science and animals? Do you want to talk about the paintings in the book? Who is the presentation for? Is it for the whole school, or just certain grade levels? An hour, a half day, or a full day? (Rates vary according to time involved). Prepare your pupils: Discuss Linda's book and build up excitement. Book Sales: Linda will provide flyers to send home with the kids to order books. She will bring personalized signed copies for all pre-orders, and extra books for the day of event sales.
Meet & Greet: Confirm schedule and help with any technology. Have book order forms/checks organized. Be available to guide Linda to where she will be presenting. Read aloud… I will read my book to your students.
Teachers can talk with their classes: Discuss the visit and what your students enjoyed the most. They may like to write individual or class letters to thank Linda. Please recommend Linda Hansen to other schools! Teacher referral program! Get free books for your classroom or school library! *Tell another teacher or school about Linda's virtual or in-person author visits. If they book a visit, you get an autographed book for your school or classroom library! Every book sold at a school visit gets a special multiple book discount!
Get In Touch With Me… How Can I Help You? I would also like to meet you and do a reading at your school, church, library or other private or public place! Can’t wait to hear from you.